About Us


Anderson's Sewing

I have always had a love of sewing, for as long as I can remember. Starting at 14, I would use the money I made working in a bakery or babysitting to buy fabric to sew my clothes. After high school, I went to Lakeland College to study interior decorating and sewing. After working in Sears for a few years in custom drapery I found myself in Kamloops B.C. I bought Anderson’s Sewing Centre from Mr. Anderson in the summer of 1988. I remember the nerves I felt on the first day, worried if anyone would even come in. Moving the store to the location on 1st and Victoria St where we would stay for the next 33 years. For 36 years we have been supporting, cultivating, and growing the sewing community around us. Teaching the next generation and all the generations between the basics, and the not so basics. 


Anderson’s has been more than just a business; it has been where we raised our children, made friends, and created long-lasting relationships with our community.